Saturday, June 28, 2014


SO I lied about the blogging thing. I missed a couple days already. Whoops. However I'm blogging today so I hope I can make up for what I missed.

*  *  *

So today, I set the microwave on fire.

You know how everyone's always saying don't put utensils and stuff in the microwave? Well I forgot the rule about not putting metal or plastics in there and went ahead and heated up chinese takeout leftovers while they were still in the take out box.

The metal heated super fast, setting fire to the paper box, thus thoroughly crisping the edges of my sweet and sour chicken. Milan freaked out and yelled at me about a fire and I was about to brush him off 'cause he's always crying wolf, but then his face was really serious so I got up and took a look.

We ended up (well mostly me) putting out the fire with my mother's, then cold, barley tea. (Thanks Mama)

With my house almost meeting its burning demise and my sweet and sour chicken nearly entirely inedible, the saddest part to my story is the fact that this was probably the most adrenaline spiking event of my summer so far. And I still haven't started my homework.

Ugh I'm bored. Someone save me.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


So today, I learned that my boobs are soft like pillows.

That's a really weird way to start a post, I know, but that's actually what happened. So I've been chilling in a sports bra and doing chores and stuff like a good daughter or whatever with the AC running and stuff. And I mean, I don't like it when it gets too cold, so I cross my arms and curl up to warm up a little, and then all of a sudden there are these two soft and fluffy things under my chin. Like WHAT THE HECK!! How did I not know up till now that the two small sacks of fat stuck to my chest were actually really soft cloud pillows? HOW??

This incident resulted in me being much more pleased with my boobs. Despite being small they are still soft and fluffy. They are solid proof that this world has some hope, and that the impossible CAN be made possible. Even if this only goes for insignificant things like the softness of my boobs. 

So this got me thinking about boobs and sizes of boobs and stuff and what not and it got me thinking. What decides the size of our boobs? I get that theres got to be something in our DNA and it's inherited from our parents or whatever (I sucked at bio), but why are there so many sized boobs? What forced us to adapt to have different sized breasts? Like most asians have small boobs right? And then you've got these say, hispanic girls, with nice sized C cups. Or like that occasional woman with natural double or triple D cups. And I don't mean natural as in they have a huge gut and even bigger boobs. I mean natural as in they just have big boobs. This probably (most likely, definitely,) makes me sound like an idiot, but what was the scientific point to big boobs? The only reason they're really there for is to feed our offspring right? So you really just need the mammary glands right? and even guys have those. And when you're pregnant your boobs get bigger anyway, so what's the point in big boobs? How do they aid our species' survival?

I realize lot's of people are probs judging me so hard from reading these posts, but I'm actually sincerely interested. Ugh. Maybe I'm just dumb. Or maybe I'm just not thinking. (That's basically the same thing though...)

Whatever. I'm going to try blogging everyday over the summer. I realize the chances of this happenning are very slim, but I will try either way.


Aight. Bye~

Friday, June 6, 2014

Music XIII and how it's ruining my life

Luhan and Xiumin are totally gay for each other and should just get together already god they're adorable I can't get enough of EXO and even though EXO-K is better when it comes to music XIUHAN IS THE SHIP OF LIFE!!! (Or Lumin... which ever you prefer).

So suddenly my music library is filled with a mix of American AND Japanese AND Korean music.

God help my soul.

Oh is it just me, or do you ever mix up the works "Q-tip" and "tooth pick"?? I do it on, like, a regular basis and I annoy myself to no end. :P

Also I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks I'm a shallow white girl ~_~ I mean, if you think about it, take away the anime and japanese stuff.... I'm like every other stereotypical white girl on tumblr. Only I don't use tumblr. I use blogger. SAME DIFFERENCE!! XD

Ugh I need to stop. I just listened to like four korean songs in a row. HALP!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Tired XII and Anime IX and Endings V

Okay. No phone sucks.

It was my fault, I know, I wasn't giving a positive enough attitude and went to do my homework before I finished with the dishes, but still...

No phone sucks buns.

I can't stand this. I can't do homework on the run, can't use my five-consecutive-alarm system to wake up in the morning, can't read ebooks (and I was in the middle of a good one), can't check my schedule/family calendar without a computer (which I'm forced to leave at home... not that it does much without the internet), and can't watch anime. I can't contact my parents or my friends or anyone unless I'm in a building with an accessible phone or near a person with a phone they might let me use. Basically I'm a lonely island when I'm walking to different places in town, something I realized today. I lost access to all of my reminders for work, homework, blogging, anime, sophomore research project, picking up the boys etc. and I hate it.

I hate this so much I'm practically going insane.

I swear though, if someone asks me what I'm most afraid of right now, the answer will always be not getting my phone back. Not eating is in second place. That's how bad it's getting.

I'm mentally physically and emotionally exhausted, my sleep pattern is completely screwed over and I still have no idea how to give someone a positive attitude when I'm so fricking pissed at them. Seriously, if someone was as mad as I am at me, I'd take no attitude and robot speak instead of sass any day.

Try it sometime. Smiling uses less muscles then a frown, but it takes a shitload more effort for sure.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tired XI and Anime IX

Okay so it's been a really really REALLY long time since I blogged and I feel totally and utterly .... Sad (for lack of a better word) about it. So first off I'm reaaaaaaaly sorry.

I'm also really tired (which is part of the reason I've been silent for so long) so I figured I'd give a status update. Actually I just want to give a status update cuz it looks easy and fun. Whatever.

So-- PROPOSALS ARE DONE!! Submitted. Finished. The pressure is off my chest for a few months (hopefully). Also, the spring animes haven't let me down yet. No game no life is still the best tho.

Also, my GPA went up a point!! (Yay me) I am no longer at risk of a B average.


And summer is coming. Another plus. However this means I have to clean out my entire closet (again) and sort through ALL my clothes (again) and go into the attic (again) to put my summer stuff in my closet.

There's also the matter of shorts in school. None of my shorts follow the dress code. They're all way to short. Well, not that short really. They usually reach to the base of my thumb (I think) but never to my fingertips. So mi madre won't let me wear them to school. Sigh.

I'm gonna havta wear jeans thru June by this point. (Ughhhhhhhhh)

BUT! I got a new swim suit so it all evens out in the end.

AND FRENCH IS STAYING!!!! They talked about it at the PFA (PTA? Idk) meeting and decided to keep such an awesome language after all. YAY PARENTS.

Aaaaaaaaand that's about all I can think of right now.

OH! English homework.... English homework....


Not to talk back to my parents.

How to control my facial expressions.

To eat at regular intervals so as to avoid random stomach rumbling.

To do my homework before I sleep (or watch anime).

To make an effort to hang out with my friends more often.

To make an effort to get out if the house more often.

To make an effort to get out of bed more often.

To make an effort.

To sleep at night.

To grow boobs.


Monday, April 28, 2014




Anyways, currently the principal has planned to phase out the French program, leaving my school with only two languages: Spanish and Latin.

This is ridiculous.

I mean REALLY???? Half the reason I decided against biotech and went to high tech was BECAUSE WE HAD FRENCH!! And besides, I love Madame. But she already just about stated that if she knows this isn't going to be a steady job for her, she'll start looking for a new one. I DON'T WANT A NEW FRENCH TEACHER! I mean, I seriously suck at languages. I spent ten years, TEN YEARS on spanish and learned NADA.

ただし! (Tadashi!)

With Madame... everything was different. I actually understood the material she gave us and began to learn a language. It was the vent of the century let me tell you. And now with them phasing French out and all, I might not get the luxury of learning from Madame till senior year!! I might not even get her next year!!!! I'd be heartbroken and dumb for the next few years and NO ONE WANTS THAT!!!!

So we decided to protest.

I mean it was so little. We all willingly put posters protesting against the phasing out of French on our lockers. It was within school rules and understandable and guess what HE did.

He tore them down.

Screw it all.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Love VI

I'm in a very bad mood right now and am currently havering some very conceited and hateful thoughts towards some very important people in my life. It's a shame. I started out today with such a good mood and ever since I got home I seem to have plummeted from my blissful high. Life sucks like that sometimes. Life's a bitch. 

I'd talk more, but I really am pissed. I can't even think to be funny. This is ridiculous. I'm way too call for the amount of hatred I feel welling up inside me. Hormones are weird. Teens are weird. Girls are weird. Life is weird. I'm weird. Sigh.

Well good night I guess. At least tomorrow's Friday.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Anime VIII


I love them anyways :3

In case you're not watching it, please please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go and watch No Game No Life.

It is a masterpiece.

However, the one problem I'm having today is the CLIFFHANGER AT THE END OF EPISODE THREE!! I swear it's horrible. RIGHT WHEN THING WERE GETTING REALLY REALLY RLYRLYRLY GOOD------ it stopped. FMLFMLFMLFML!!!!!!


But, my god is it good. I'll add a link here -->

Anyways, yea. That all. :)

Monday, April 21, 2014


So it's spring, huh?

Lucky for me, my allergies are less severe in the spring compared to the fall so I'm safe for now, but you really get like, a summer fever around this time of year, you know? I can hardly wait for summer now that it's starting to warm up outside. Imagine. Sleeping in till noon, dozing in the lazy summer sun, lemonade and the beach and watermelons? I can hardly wait.

But I have to sign up for some math camp.

I'm thinking I'll do Kumon, but I'm a little bit a lot pissed at the idea that my one real break every year is being squandered by school work. There's barely a point to it any more. Sigh. OH! And because I didn't get to fast start out of Algebra II and into Pre Calc, there's even more pressure coming from my extremely disappointed parents. I'm gonna sound really dumb, but seriously I CAN'T EVEN ANYMORE.

Also taking away my phone does not do much to stop me from being distracted. Neither does taking away my anime or manga. (Thanks for restricting access to any sites containing the word "anime" or whatever on my phone by the way. You ended up blocking a bunch of other sites to btdubs.) In fact, no matter what, I'm sure I'll be able to find a way to distract myself if the task at hand is too boring. If not anime/mana then books. If not reading then writing. If not writing then drawing. If not drawing then sleeping. If not sleeping then talking. If not talking then thinking. I WILL ALWAYS DO SOMETHING MORE FUN BECAUSE I CAN'T STAND BORING!!!

Sigh. I need a break.


I think what I need is a day with the house to myself and no one telling me what to do, what to wear, what to eat, how to sit, how to talk, where to look, and why their way of thinking is correct.

Is that so much to ask??????

Thursday, April 17, 2014


In case anyone's interested, I highly recommend the following.

No Game No Life <-- spring 2K14 airs every Wednesday

Mekakucity Actors <-- spring 2014 airs every Saturday

Black Bullet <-- spring 2K14 airs every Tuesday


Monday, April 14, 2014


I missed a day.



Anyways, so I started another anime and it's pretty cool but it's not all that amazing or anything so meh. It's called Nabari no ou. if you're in need of something to watch I suggest this. Also I have no new music which is sad but not really because I already got so many new songs so yeahhhhhh.

Basically life is boring and I'm not interesting and the life of me is blegh.

Also I would like to make a quick announcement.


Today sucks. I hate school.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Tired X

Recently I realized that I've no longer been writing the thoughts in my head In their raw form. I've been cutting and pasting and covering up and embellishing certain parts of my thoughts with an audience in mind and posting the finished product here. It new. It's weird. This post will be my best effort to not give my best effort to write for an audience. This is a post for me. Please don't judge me. I'll try my best not to feel self conscious.

So sometimes I think I'm a really horrible person. Like right now. For ages and ages I've had this really pretty, really nice friend who I've been wanting to get closer to. To get to know better. But, you know, they have their friends and I have my friends and then we are friends but not as close. But then suddenly they start reaching out to me, almost trying to show they want to be better friends to and instead of being happy and blissful like any other teenager would be in this situation, I don't think of this as a dream come true.

I speculate as to whether or not they are reaching out to me so they can have me as their foil. Like those less pretty girls that really pretty, really mean girls tote around in chick flicks.

I'm horrible. Sometimes I just hate how horrible I am I want to throw up. But I would never throw up for something as petty as this for that is a waste of food and time that I just don't want to deal with.

And I think the saddest part about what u just said is that I stated that these types of issues are petty. It's like admitting to myself that I'm just some shallow teenage girl who cares about appearances and rankings and popularity etc. and maybe I am.

Maybe I'm just shallow.

Sigh. This is turning out to be such a depressing blog post but I don't really care. Oh well.

You know what I hate?? When the insides if your eyelids get itchy. You just keep blinking because scratching it is out of the question, but blinking doesn't have much friction due to all the eyeball juices keeping my eyes moisturized.

Moisturized is such a weird word doeeeeeeeeeeeeee. So is doee. So is so.




Let's go--wait no.

Ah mo~ IKOU!

Bed time, deshou?

Friday, April 11, 2014





I'm a sucky blogger huh. I've been so busy lately though. I FINALLY CLEANED OUT MY ROOM kind of. 

It looks a lot better anyways. :3

Also, I've been listenning to this one song on repeat all day for the past few days and I'm still not tired of it. I swear though, the first verse? Perfection.

Like SERIOUSLY?! It's been practically haunting me. Like look at this vvv I just keep wasting my free time doing all the wrong things, huh? XP

OH! And speaking of free time look at this one. I swear I've been making bubbles everywhere. In geometry I filled the whole back side of a page with them. Bartlett wasn't very happy though (~_~;;) 

OH OH OH!! Another good song I've been listening to very often lately is this one vvv

Okay nevermind. I'm not actually in that great of a mood so I'll end it here. I promise to be a better blogger tomorrow. I promise to stay true to my word. I promise not to break any promises. I promise to enjoy my spring break. I promise to not miss any homework due after spring break. I promise to be a good girl. Wait no. Take the last one back. Everything else still stands though. Gnite.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Music XII =_= and Anime VI

I apologize for the excessive music posts, but I really have nothing better to blog about. I seriously just downloaded ten songs and wasted a bunch of time that could have been used to clean my room. Like I'd actually get much done if I had cleaned my room, but that's besides the point.

I think I should sleep now.

I don't think I want to.

OH-- SO I'm already really far into it, but Hyouka is AMAZING!! I mean, I've been meaning to watch it, but never got around to it, but I finally did and now I'm addicted.

I ship Houtarou and Chitanda so hard it's ridiculous.

Well I will go back to my episode before going to bed.


Monday, April 7, 2014

Maya Problems

I just wrote a really great rant about a lot of awesome stuff and deleted the whole thing so now I'm super mega pissed but I'll just paraphrase my wonderful five paragraph essay for now.

What the hell is wrong with "gay" things and when did gay and cross dresser come to be synonymous? THAT MAKES NO SENSE!

Also, what right do you have to judge me and the. Try to force your judgment of me ONTO me?? You think I'm gay? Great. Go suck my --- BEEP BEEP BEEP. I could care less whether or not you're unsure of my sexual orientation. I'm not and that's all that matters.

Also, am I normal? No. Yes. Probably. What the heck is normal anyway? Depends on the person? Well the person is me so I say there is no normal. Just fifty shades of weird.

Also, if you want me to change my views, don't keep coming at me with the same "I'm right. I'm right. I'm right" attitude. That makes you boring. I hate boring. You will be ditched. But f you want to have a very interesting debate on these things with me be my guest. If I have free time I might not mind giving you some of my attention.

So basically, if I'm pissed don't bother me. Even if I'm joking and look perfectly composed, if my eyes aren't smiling a little, it's cause I'm not currently thinking in this dimension or I'm pissed as f***.

Thank you. Good night.

Sunday, April 6, 2014


I now realize that I cannot blog from my phone on safari.

After the last two posts (which I truly though had been posted when I SAID POST!) I realized that mobile safari will never be as amazing as chrome on desktop, and after having to RESCHEDULE BOTH POSTS BEFORE POSTING THEM just now I decided to make a vow.


It's okay if that didn't make sense, but if it did then YAY ME.


Saturday, April 5, 2014


I realize that food is a large part of my life so for the first time in history (or so it feels) I will blog about my favorite topic.


I think I'm in love with dinner. I nearly never eat breakfast, and if I do it's just ramen or grits that's gone within minutes, and as for lunch... I tend to forget it at home and even on weekends I'm always doing something around lunch time so sometimes I just skip. In fact, on days that I'm not at school I don't ever keep track of time, so I've learned to just eat when I feel hungry even though the timing varies A LOT. (Disclaimer: This is a habit my dad abhors. Both of my parents are against my skipping meals and eating brunch and linner instead. Neither of them approve my strange eating habits.) HOWEVER! There is one meal that I eat on a regular basis and in regular amounts.


Every night around 10pm usually, sometimes later sometimes earlier depending on when my mom cooks and when I get home, I eat about two to three quarts of food. That's two big plates OR one plate and two bowls OR three bowls and a drink/snack OR a bunch of apples and clementines paired with whatever food I bring home from work OR.... Yeah you get the gist.

But tonight I had a feast.

One quart of white rice with a quart of Mapo Tofu and a quart of egg drop soup as well as a full quart of what I think was pork lo mien (I'm not sure if it was that or a mixed lo mien made from extras... whatever). SO basically, if you took all the food I just ate then mashed it up and turned it into a smoothie, I just consumed a gallons worth of chinese food smoothie.

Please take your time I you process this in awe.

Now add in the fact that I ate all of that within an hour and a half while using only one hand as I continued working on my unfinished bio objectives with the other.

Thank you for your time.

I will now try to settle my lurching stomach before going to bed. (~__~'')

Friday, April 4, 2014

The Problem With Being Female

Contrary to popular belief, the biggest problem with being a girl is NOT our monthly present from mother nature. It is in fact our natural tendency to over analyze everything. In fact, I'm only a little bit envious of males if only for their naturally simple minded thoughts.

You can take that as a compliment or insult. Up to you.

But really. It's absolutely amazing. Girls can spend up to hours, possibly days, trying to understand why a certain person didn't say "HI" to them that morning or smile at them at lunch or something else just as trivial, while guys won't even think about it. If asked they'll probably say something like "Oh they were probably tired," or "Maybe they didn't see me," or "Maybe their busy," or something just as plausible and obvious. It's truly admirable to some extent at least.

Well, going back on that, I'm not entirely sure that all males think in this way, but I can say for sure that almost every female in existence overanalyzes everything, so in comparison to female, males do think rather simply.

I'm not quite sure why I wrote this. I'm not quite sure if I'll post this. Yeah... No, I'll post this because nothing interesting happened today. Merp.


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Power VIII

You know something?

I think I'm too easily influenced.

Not by people. Lol obviously not. I've just been thinking... my emotions sway so easily. Like take today for instance. We went to go see one of my best friend's plays. It was the opening night for their school's performance of 42nd St and it was amazing. The sets were great, the costumes were amazing, and of course the acting was up to it's usual high standards for RBR, but afterwards, I couldn't help but feel a little....


I felt wistful and weird and not like me at all. I couldn't help thinking, that could have been me. I used to act, and dance, and sing, and do sets, and did crew. I did everything. I loved shows. The stage. Lights. Applause. I lived for it for the longest time.

And then I just dropped it.

I don't even know what triggers these sudden changes in my mood. I was supposed to be happy for Ash for crying out loud!! I was supposed to give her a huge hug and congratulate her and smile. But I couldn't stop thinking about how much I missed the stage.

I don't even know at this point.

Sigh. Now I'm just tired. I hate talking about my feelings. But I need to get a new journal to write shtuff in so ima just vent here for today. >_<


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Love V

Sometimes I think I'm in love.

I always had crushes as a kid. This character. That classmate. Some kid I met on the mountain last December. I crushed on anyone and everyone who caught my interest. It was natural. Normal. And of course there were the few crushes that lasted years and then some that lasted minutes, but I was used to having feelings like these. Wavering and unstable, yet never unsure until after the fact. I was content with being able to crush on people from afar. I never even wanted more, so I told myself.

But nowadays? I think I might be in love.

In fact, I've been thinking seriously about this for awhile and I realized that the easiest thing to do in the situation, in fact the only thing expected in a situation like this from a girl with as much "spunk" as I have, would be to go ahead and "confess" (I apologize for sounding dramatic, but I really have no other way to word it).

However, the world isn't as simple as that. It would be different if he was just some upperclassman who I admired and found attractive, but I consider the relationship we have now to be friendship, and I would really hate to put that in jeopardy. I am comfortable with what we share now. In fact, a large part of me wants things to stay this way. But deep down inside me there's another voice, saying I deserve more. I should try for more. I want more. This annoying and pushy voice is at persistent as I can be, and no matter how much I muffle it, it just won't shut up. So after much consideration I have decided.

I will stop fantasizing about a new boy every week and focus entirely on my one true love, until I work up the courage to tell them my feelings and prepare my heart and mind for the wors---


And that is my belated April Fools Day gift to you.

Gnite you guys~

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Favorites VI

やっぱり(yappari), winter is now officially my favorite season. 

The bugs are back.

I mean, really, what is the point of a mosquitos existence? Is there even a reason behind there existence?? NO. THERE IS NONE! NONE. ないよ (nai yo)! Sigh. I really hate those bugs. I go out for two seconds to take out the trash, and on my way back in I leave the door open maybe two seconds longer than usual because of a gust of wind, and where does that land me?? WITH A BUNCH OF ANNOYING BLOODSUCKING STOWAWAY PARASITES WHO MAKE ME ITCH LIKE CRAZY!

I swear. Every few seconds I have to smack my arm where it itches to keep from scratching. ずるい(zurui)!

Maybe I should go around tomorrow and douse the house with bug repellent. I wonder if Mama will let me...

Lol like that would happen.

Ahh~ Stupid spring. Mosquitos should just die off already. 

Also I gave in awhile ago and started scratching. My arm is covered in red lines...


Monday, March 31, 2014

My Last Slice


You really think I'm gonna stop blogging after a month??


I intend to keep it up. At least through high school. Maybe I'll go into college blogging. Who knows. But all day I've been thinking about this significant yet not very important day of my life. After forcing my self to blog every day for a month, I've really gotten into the habit of blogging regularly, and it's really helped me. I'm glad I tried for the full month instead of the 25 day challenge.

I'm glad I did Slice of Life.

See, in the last few days, there have been so many blogs about how Slice2014 is FINALLY over and how we should celebrate our great escape from insanity. However in my mind, blogging is what has been keeping me sane.


That's about all actually. (I feel like there are more people I should thank. Actually...)



And I guess thanks to my parents. I'm not sure how they contributed but I'm sure I should thank them too.

However, this being a slice of life post, I still need to include the slice. So I will tell you about an anime that I have just finished watching.

Actually that's a lie. I only just finished season one of Bakuman. It's about these two teenage guys who have a dream to become mangakas before they're eighteen. The anime was amazing, the storyline was great, but the best part was how inspiring it has been so far. Even if it's fictional and is told through moving pictures on a screen, I still get a lot from watching this series. I might actually pick up novel writing again (and finish a book this time). I guess I'll add a vid too.

Actually nah I won't. All the vids I found suck and either have no subs or terrible fandubs so I won't subject any of you to the pain i just went through watching just about every single one of them.

Well. Happy April fools eve (BEST HOLIDAY EVER I SWEAR).


Sunday, March 30, 2014

Tired IX

My legs are slowly dying. Same goes for my neck. And shoulders. I slept in till about 11:30am and have been groggy ever since. But I had fun and watched lots of anime, started reading Cinder (finally) and have a tiny headache that is not unbearable, but very annoying. I took a weird fall on my last run yesterday and I'm probably still aching from that but trust me when I say that the pain was so worth it.

I fell when I hit a lump of slush (I couldn't see with rain drops covering my goggles) and flipped backwards, down the mountain, maybe once or twice and then got right up out of the tumble and kept moving.


And so concludes my slice.

I'm way too tired for creative today. =_=''

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Favorites V

So I finally got into a "writing mood" I guess and had some really deep thoughts that have to get out or else I think I'll combust with the deepness and my attempts at being viewed as a shallow teenager throughout the duration of my high school years will be for naught.

If you're not sure whether or not that last sentence made any grammatical sense, I'm not that sure myself, but fret not!! For I'm pretty sure I'm sane. For now.

Now before I get to my deep musings or whatever let me just make a quick comment on the topic of hiccups. Hiccups are annoying as Hell if Hell were a person with sweaty hands, dirty hair, and a nasally voice. And for some reason, whenever I feel like I'm being smart, or try to talk intelligently with people of this world, I'm suddenly plagued with multiple bouts of hiccups. 


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Okay. So as we all know, favoritism sucks buns.

Having favorites changes the amount of attention we give to any one thing at a time, and that can really affect things. Like, lets say you have a garden, and you claim to love all your plants and love caring for them and treat them like your children and so on and so on, right? Well let's say in your head you have one or two of your favorite plants, whether they're your favorite due to aesthetics, scent, durability, practicality, or just because, it doesn't matter. Just the fact that in your head, that plant is somehow special to you, is all that matters.

I mean, if it's your favorite plant, you're going to spend more time paying attention to it obviously. You'll do your best not to neglect little things like whether that new leaf is too dry or if that flower bud has been half open for too long or whatever. You'll notice. And then you'll do your best to help it and fix it and let it grow, am I right? (The correct answer was yes.)

All of that attention for one plant in a garden of hundreds, all because it's your favorite. Where is the logic?

It's no where.

Which makes me have some really cynical thoughts. I mean, you could be someone's favorite for any reason really. You might never even KNOW the reason. You might not ever even know that your ARE their favorite. But all of the perks of being a persons favorite will be yours, whether you know it or not, and you can never change it unless you change yourself, which, as we all should know by now, is no easy task.

So the whole idea of following your dreams and trying hard to do what you want and being who you are and whatever, it all seems like some joke if you think about the fact that all of the effort one puts into being their true self could be for nothing if they aren't the favorite of certain people. If you can't get people to like you, then no matter how much talent you have or how much determination and persistence you show, it won't matter. You can't get anywhere without being a favorite. Actually let me revise. 

You can't get anywhere without being somewhat well liked.

The world is a harsh place and sometimes it makes me want to crawl up under the covers and hide my face and sleep and sleep and sleep like a bear during the winter with fuzzy pants on and a super comfy tank top and all of my favorite songs playing in my head over and over. 

But I can't do that and really, I wouldn't be happy with such an unsatisfactory life. Because one lesson I've learned over the years is that safe does not necessarily equal happy. That sounds so deep in retrospect, but I actually learned that from a trivial matter dealing with vacuums and homework. 

ANYWAYS! That concludes my probably meaningless rant on something that seemed far more important when I thought it than when I wrote it all out. If you actually gleamed anything of value from all of this feel free to comment. Or just comment for the heck of it. I don't really care. I'm tired. Sigh.

Reading VI and Power VIII and Anime V

Sigh. I'm having trouble reading from the screen right now and my eyes hurt. ( >_< ) Sorry guys.

Anyways, today I learned how much power the temperature of a room has over me. So we went skiing (I went snowboarding) today and it was fun and all, but since we won't be skiing tomorrow (it's gonna rain) and we were planning to sleep at a hotel tonight anyway, my parents decided to splurge a tiny bit. :)

So this hotel (who's name I never cared to learn) looks a lot little sketchy from the outside, and gives you the feeling that it's really old and drafty, but the inside is really nice and there are cute rustic details everywhere. But that's not what makes this place so awesome.

That would be the basement.

We were down there till a little while ago and let me tell you, it was like heaven. There was this big pool that was really cold compared to the air (it was actually 70ºF in the water but whatever) and then the big cold pool had this awesome slide thing, and then in the room area next to it was this awesome hot tub with this stream of steaming hot water coming from the wall out of this sun shaped plaque and there was, like, fake foliage hanging from the ceiling and wall giving it this kind of garden of eden feeling. Like this (look down) without the random pavement. And add the pool. That's important.

OH and then I forgot the awesome stuff. So there was the hot tub and pool and slide thing, and then there were TWO SAUNAS!!! It was awesome. ( >*o*)> 'Twas amazing.

So we had fun in the basement (Milan went in the hot tub and then we dared him to use the slide and it was hilarious), but then we came back upstairs and took showers and I've been chilling in this warm and cozy room for a while and it's making me thing really slow and type slow and be slow and LAZY. I mean, I'm always lazy, but I mean lazier than usual. That's what I meant. It's crazy right? Sigh. But I'm too lazy to fix the heater so oh well. It's not like it's uncomfortable. It's making me a little drowsy is all.

And now I'm very easily sidetracked. For example I was just surfing the web, 'cause that's just what I do you know, and found this. CLICK THIS LINK IT'S AWESOME!!! I mean, it made me want to scream PREACH SISTA or something. The original this was in Portuguese so you might have to translate it (that is, if it doesn't translate automatically), but if more people could understand some of these basic term than I would be able to have an easier time conversing with them on a regular basis. They would also have an easier time trying to understand me, but sometimes I guess it's best not to understand me. Oh well.

Well, I'm tired and will watch anime for a bit before passing out, laptop on stomach. Gnite!!

(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ   oyasumi ~

Friday, March 28, 2014

Oh the Joy of Last Minute Posts

Alright. I didn't actually do much today except run out and do a little shopping with my mom so I guess I'll tell you all about that and bore you all to tears.

SO today I went shopping. (cue applause)

I bought a hair brush, razors, a soap box (like the ones for bars of soap), hair products to make me feel special, and my mom bought groceries (so surprising). That pretty sums up my productivity for the day.

Other than that there's not much to say. Wait actually....


Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Bunch of Random Thoughts :P

OKAY. So to start things out I just wanna say that I am thoroughly afraid of pandas now. Middle school children are quite amazing, aren't they? Anyways enjoy that video.

ALSO!! I was having troubling thinking of what to blog so a friend of mine (who I've definitely blogged about before but whatever) suggested I write about my impression of the app osu!stream, which got me thinking about all of the things I hate about it so I will rant about that for a while. Skip the next paragraph if you don't want to hear it.

So osu!stream sucks. Like a lot a lot. It's seems okay at first and the levels are all pretty easy (I mean you can't really do much on an iPhone screen with two fingers) but stillllllll. Make it a little more difficult please. But I mean, I'd still be okay with it even if it wasn't any harder. But then there are the downloads. ALL OF THE FREE DOWNLOADS ARE DUMB!! The one for my friends nook is WAY BETTER and you can just download whatever LIKE THE REAL THING!! Like COME ON!! And even out of all the songs that you can get, free and the ones that cost two bucks put together, theres only maybe fifty songs total. WHAT IS THIS BLASPHEMY!

So yeah. I really need to go get the desktop version. Before May. Hopefully.


Thank you for your time. I hope you enjoyed reading. Have a good evening, everyone.



Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Strange Parents and Laundry Songs

I live with my agnostic family of five in a smallish single family home. Three out of the five of us are always loud, making the space seem smaller than it is, and we have so much stuff. Actually no. That's a lie. We have a normal amount of stuff. Our youngest brother just happens to be very spread out. Same goes for my dad actually. But that's besides the point. Speaking of my parents...

Actually no that's a bad idea. Let's not talk about them. Not yet.

So on to the actual story. It was, I dunno, sometime after dinner right? And I enjoyed my sticky rice and pork and everything. We were really asian tonight and had like Zongzi and like those tara root cake things that are really really yummy, especially when my mom adds that spicy pepper scallion sauce or whatever that we usually use for dumplings. So I was happily looking up music and reading manga with a stomach full of yumminess when my mom tells me to go do laundry. Or maybe she said go do some chores. I don't know. :P They pretty much mean the same thing.

So I'm doing the laundry, rocking out to my music and what not, (I have a legit playlist called "laundry" that I listen to when I fold clothes =_=) when Indy comes over and asks me to play "Talk Dirty" because he can't find his iPod and wants to listen to music while he reads or whatever. I mean, I don't mind. That's not what matters.

So we're over here rocking out to Jason Derulo on repeat 'cause that's just how weird we are, when all of a sudden some hebrew song starts playing from the dining room (Indy and I were in the living room) and I hear my dad trying to go back to his late teens/early twenties and sing...

He's not that bad. But he is more of a screaming-rock-that-hurts-your-ears-and-no-one-understands-a-thing-you're-saying kind of singer if you get what I mean. Basically he screeches like a banshee on higher notes and hurts all our ears.

So to put it simply, the Hava Nagila really wasn't his song.

Now, I go over to try and explain this all to him (my dad is weird) and all of a sudden I realize that it's not just him. My mom and Milan are singing too.

Cue facepalm. Smh. Cries.

That pretty much sums up the entirety of my afternoon as Indy and I bring our volume up to an impossible level as we try to block out the sound of our parents singing.

And then they started watching Ukraine's got talent and my youtube history was filled with videos of Russian speaking pole dancers.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Love IV

Love is weird.

We all crave love at one point, and we are all hurt by love at another. It gives us motivations, makes us lose our concentration, changes our daily habits and adds flavor to our everyday routines. Love is like a poison and love is like a cure. Love is a hassle. Love is just plain dumb.

It's weird is all.

And love comes in all sorts of types and levels. Like really. Split personality disorder much???

It's not something humans have. It's loves own personal disorder.

Anyways, love needs to get it's own life in check and stop screwing with mine ours. Like REALLY!! MAKE UP YOUR MIND!! Lets say you have three different types of shirts to choose from. Theres the normal ones, the cute ones, and the nice ones. Then there are maybe four or five different colors for each shirt. Now let's say you're at the store, and you REALLY REALLY REALLY want to buy some, but you NEED one of each type at least, yet only have enough money for three altogether, so naturally the smart choice would be to buy one of each type (the normal, cute, and nice) because you're saving the rest of your money for lunch (I don't know. Just bear with the analogy).

So what do you do? You absolutely know for sure that you totally want, like, buy all of them, but you know your restrictions so you go looking for advice. From who?


But see, your best friend has multiple personality disorder and changes people every few minutes, so instead of getting to a decision, you just get a bunch of different people's opinions. AND THEN YOU'RE STUCK WITH EVEN MORE ANXIETY! 

Well doesn't this suck. Now you just want all the shirts all the more. So, you scream "SCREW THIS" and end up finding a hoodie instead.

Story of my life, I swear.


OH and then this song <(^__^< )*

Monday, March 24, 2014

I'm sad. Thus, I am boring

So, I forgot to post yesterday. Please cry for me. Now I will only be able to post 30 times this month. That one less than 31. I lost one day. I need to pay attention. I must not pass out anymore. I must stay awake and post. I HEREBY PLEDGE NEVER TO MISS A DAY OF BLOGGING EVER AGAIN!

Anyways. I don't know what to write. I've been doing homework and more homework and more homework and more homework (gasps for air) AND more homework and more homework and more homework AND MORE FREAKING HOMEWORK!

SO I will just post a bunch of you tube vids and hope you like them.

Actually I lied. I'll be a slacker and post one. Ciao.

sry the guy is kinda funny

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Power VII

Alrighty. So I was talking with my friend (yes I have those so shaddup) and we have come to the conclusion (well mostly me. Actually maybe it was all him. IDEK) that the media is brainwashing me us. 

I swear to any higher entity you want that it's so true.

So, I was just watching my anime and looking at KPop vids and finding adorable anime scenes and listenning to JPop and not being the perfect asian stereotype in the slightest, when I saw this one gif and it made me think. Well actually that's a lie. I am always thinking. I was just more aware of what I was thinking at that time. My thoughts sorta kinda went like this (I don't actually think in words. I think in feelings and colors and shapes. But I will attempt a MAYA THOUGHT to MAYA ENGLISH translation.)

*sees cuddle*
Aw that's cute.
*sees kiss*
o////o KYAAAAA ^_^
*sees huggle*
I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Kinda wish I had that...
*slightly longer pause*
I really wish I had that...
*wait... for... it...*

And that's as accurate as this "translation" is gonna get. I swear though. 


Or then again. Maybe I just have problems.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Tired VIII


Okay. So, on March 21, 2014, HTHS had it's semi-formal dance. It was supposedly "spy-themed" (read it as "black and white" themed) and trust me, it was the bomb. AND a certain most beautiful Nora (-gami? YESH!) got to make it and it was just....


I mean, it could have been better. Some people I wish were there weren't there, and some people I wish weren't there were there but over all the night was goooooooooooooooooooooood. <(^~^<) hehe

Speaking of people I don't like, there is this one kid, okay, who's thigh gap really, really, really pisses me off. Like, thigh gaps aren't bad or anything. I wish I had one for crying out loud. But see, when your fricking thigh gap is the same width as you left thigh, it becomes a problem. It's annoying and gross and unhealthy looking and truth be told?

It irks me.

Sigh. Well I'm tired so I will go now. BAIIIIII

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Music XI

Okay I hate being repetitive but I really don't have much to write about that's actually a lie, it's just not interesting so I'm gonna post this one promo vid of the awesomest awesome JRock group of all awesome JRock awesomeness that was made to advertise for their second album that came out like..... last month? Yeah.

I already downloaded the whole thing (^_^) hehe.

It's just like a mix of all of the songs in the whole album but really....


I mean, One Ok Rock is good. So is Uverworld (sometimes) and Rookiez is Punk'd (almost all the time). Yui is pretty awesome too, but I'm not sure what genre she is exactly. But still. On my list, Hello Sleepwalkers tops them all. :3


So I was listening to "A Fake, Fake, Psychotropic" on repeat while doing my homework because it was making me work at an okay pace and i was being productive for once. Anyways. SO I have it playing out loud and my brother walks over, listens for a bit, and is like "That's a lot of autotune."

Then I wasted fifteen minutes explaining it's not autotune, it's legit just a program running synths making it sound like a person, or as close to one as possible.

His. Face. Was. Priceless.

And that concludes my slice of the day. Sorry for the mega boring post and gross, cliche, and mega ugly ending. I have a lot a lot of homework >_<

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Music X

SO I got home and ended up doing some homework, downloading a bunch of music, watching a boring movie, and then doing more homework. Since most of my time was taken up by the movie and I really really really really really really really really really really really really reallyyyyy dont't want to blog about the movie, I'm just gonna add videos to all the songs I downloaded in here and let the world judge me for my taste in music using this inaccurate sample I've provided. (Trust me. There is a whole lot more JRock on my phone, even though there are none on the list below.)


A Fake, Fake, Psychotropic

Childish War

Indulging: Idol Syndrome

Sincerity Nature: Drastic Measures of Ignorance


Sweater Weather (don't judge. I meant to get it a while ago)

Cinema (same with this one)

Give me your hand (the best song ever) <-- Note: I don't think it's the best song ever. That's the title.

And so concludes my odd assortment of downloads this afternoon. (~_~ ;;) hehe

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Music IX

Okay. So.

Whoah there. Flashback to middle school.

Anyways. It's been a while since I've blogged about music so I guess this is good. :) So the other day (like maybe two weeks ago) I learned about this one game called "osu!" which looks mega fun and awesome and pretty and AMAZING. It's a little like Tap Tap Revenge but not. 'Cause like, theres the whole "tap and occasionally hold to the rhythm" thing, but with osu!, there's also the factor that you have to DRAG the dots too. According to Matthew, one of the kids I'm babysitting, it's a little like the piano game by smule. I've seen it played on the easier levels so I'm not sure how accurate this comparison it, but I'll add a video of osu! in here because everyone should get it 'cause it looks beautifully amazingly fun. <3 

(Note: I still haven't gotten the app because my mom hasn't discussed downloading it with my dad. sigh)


vvvvvv Vids below vvvvvv

Monday, March 17, 2014

Power VI

In this world, we have the power to make every single decision in our life ourselves. (But, only after you've grown up and left your family's home. Before then you only make some of those decisions.) Anyways, people are always making decisions and making the smart decisions for little tasks comes easily. Plus, it makes more sense.

However, I get bored easily. So I tend to not appear as smart. (Just kidding. I'm not smart at all.) Sometimes, I make tasks harder on myself just to challenge myself and give myself a headache.

I'm an idiot.

But that's usually okay.

Anyways, today I got home, opened my laptop, logged on and opened all the tabs necessary for the completion of my homework. I didn't start homework until my loud, annoying, and crazy brothers got home from school, and spent the time between their arrival and the time I got home searching up YouTube videos and chatting.

Maybe I do need help...

So yeah. This happens most days, too. I'm pretty sure I know this is a dumb habit and makes my life more stressful what with having to do serious work while Milan is acting off across the table from me, desperately striving to steal my attention. However, I feel as if doing these kind of dumb "excursive", if you will, helps me learn to do well with or without very load and distracting background noise. In fact, I realized the other day, that between me and my brother, I complain less about the noise level in our house than he does.

Or maybe I have hearing problems. Who knows.


OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Before I end this post I figured I'd share these two videos with you guys 'cause I found this one english cover to a Vocaloid song and was like WOW IT ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE!!! I so proud :)


vvv WITH SUBS vvv


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Procrastinators, UNITE

UWAAAAAAAAAAH!! I almost forgot to post something today! (Whoops) so since I don't actually have anything interesting to blog about I'll just give you all a basic summary of my day.


So I woke up insanely early as per usual due to my very annoying and unnecessary alarms. (Why have I not gotten rid of them yet??) Then, of course, I fall back to sleep immediately because my bed is soft and warm and cozy. But then I realized we were going to go skiing so I forced my self out of bed and ran around the house frantically looking for my good socks before realizing I put them by my bed the night before. I got ready with the hour and waited another two hours for us to leave when, WHOOPDEEDOO!! Change in plans! We weren't going skiing. So I grabbed my sketch pad and started doodling nonsense and some of the stuff I got out of it was pretty satisfactory. Maybe I'll put pics in another post. Hmm. So after that, I fed the boys food (I think. They might have served themselves) and we all ate lunch. The. The boys went with my dad for a run/walk thing at hartshorn and I stayed home and sketched some more. I got bored of that after a hour (I think) and so I found some manga and started reading. I pretty much switched back and forth between reading and drawing and eating all afternoon. And the. We went swimming for a while (ugh) and then I had dinner, read more manga, and was about to go to sleep when ....

UWAAAAAAAAAAH!! I almost forgot to post something today! (Whoops) so since I don't actually have anything interesting to blog about I just gave you all a basic summary of my day. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Tired VII

I haven't been at all creative lately. My mind has been this blank slate that u can't write on. It's like it's surface is too seamlessly smooth that nothing of substance sticks to it, or maybe it's made of a very still liquid that only looks solid, but it isn't and I can't figure out why my ideas just keeping sinking and/or dissolving in it. Sigh. I'm not even gonna pre read that sentence. SCREW GRAMMATICAL ERRORS! MY BRAIN IS FRIED.

I want food. But I already ate. I'd love a lollipop though. A cherry tootsie roll pop. Mmmmm.

Sigh. I've been spouting random song lyrics in all sorts of languages and genres all night. I'm so tired. It's ridiculous. 

I've been so uncreative and tired that all I've been thinking are dumb, dark, and clichéd thoughts and those thoughts just keep on going and going and shuffling and repeating like some stupid playlist some kid made to annoy me. I just want to stop thinking and sleep but at the same time I don't want to sleep. I want to eat but I don't want to eat. I want company, but I like the peace and quiet.


Oh right, she never existed

I think I'll go to bed now and think about not thinking. 


Friday, March 14, 2014

I can't think so I guess I'll just rant

Why do humans sit in chairs?

I mean really? Trust me on this, but an hour of sitting on a chair is five times less comfortable than two hours of sitting on the floor. Like for real. I mean, you can't exactly write or do work when you're sitting on the ground, so I guess you could stand and the world could make taller tables or something, but that would be too much trouble. They could also just make shorter tables but that's just as much trouble. So i guess chairs aren;t that bad, just as long as you don't have to sit in one for more than an hour.

Why do we sit so much at school anyway?? We shouldn't be sitting in a classroom all day. We should be doing stuff, doing activities or something. And I mean, those could be educational too if you really tried. Or the activities and stuff don't have to be educational. I guess it's up to the teacher. Meh.

Ow. Owowowowowowowowowowow. I have an eyelash in my eye and it hurrrrrrtttttssssssss.

It's out. Still hurts.

Don't read that out of context 'cause it sounds weird

Hm. The art in anime and manga is a little strange. If you look at like DC Comics or like Marvel artwork, the people all look very human, or close enough. If you compared the muscle structure and skeletal framework proportions of the characters in those books and the drawings in a human anatomy book, you'd be able to find loads and loads and loads of similarities. But not always with anime. It's like, instead of drawing what is actually there, manga artists draw what they actually see. If they see the biceps, they draw in the biceps. If they see pretty eyes, they draw pretty eyes. If they see spiky hair, they draw spiky hair. And if they don't notice it, then they don't draw it. Instead of trying to keep their illustrations perfectly realistic, they try to make it recognizable. Does that make any sense???

Merp. Just finished dinner (and dessert) and am cold because eating klondike bars with only a tank top on next to a drafty window is dumb.

I wonder why that window is drafty though. It's not like there are any real cracks. Maybe it's just the cold emanating off the glass into our warm house or something.

OH PUMPKIN PIE! Damn I can't have any more dessert.

Hm... I should probably do something more productive.....

Yea, no. Screw that.

I'm going back to YouTube. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.