Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tired XI and Anime IX

Okay so it's been a really really REALLY long time since I blogged and I feel totally and utterly .... Sad (for lack of a better word) about it. So first off I'm reaaaaaaaly sorry.

I'm also really tired (which is part of the reason I've been silent for so long) so I figured I'd give a status update. Actually I just want to give a status update cuz it looks easy and fun. Whatever.

So-- PROPOSALS ARE DONE!! Submitted. Finished. The pressure is off my chest for a few months (hopefully). Also, the spring animes haven't let me down yet. No game no life is still the best tho.

Also, my GPA went up a point!! (Yay me) I am no longer at risk of a B average.


And summer is coming. Another plus. However this means I have to clean out my entire closet (again) and sort through ALL my clothes (again) and go into the attic (again) to put my summer stuff in my closet.

There's also the matter of shorts in school. None of my shorts follow the dress code. They're all way to short. Well, not that short really. They usually reach to the base of my thumb (I think) but never to my fingertips. So mi madre won't let me wear them to school. Sigh.

I'm gonna havta wear jeans thru June by this point. (Ughhhhhhhhh)

BUT! I got a new swim suit so it all evens out in the end.

AND FRENCH IS STAYING!!!! They talked about it at the PFA (PTA? Idk) meeting and decided to keep such an awesome language after all. YAY PARENTS.

Aaaaaaaaand that's about all I can think of right now.

OH! English homework.... English homework....


Not to talk back to my parents.

How to control my facial expressions.

To eat at regular intervals so as to avoid random stomach rumbling.

To do my homework before I sleep (or watch anime).

To make an effort to hang out with my friends more often.

To make an effort to get out if the house more often.

To make an effort to get out of bed more often.

To make an effort.

To sleep at night.

To grow boobs.


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