Monday, April 21, 2014


So it's spring, huh?

Lucky for me, my allergies are less severe in the spring compared to the fall so I'm safe for now, but you really get like, a summer fever around this time of year, you know? I can hardly wait for summer now that it's starting to warm up outside. Imagine. Sleeping in till noon, dozing in the lazy summer sun, lemonade and the beach and watermelons? I can hardly wait.

But I have to sign up for some math camp.

I'm thinking I'll do Kumon, but I'm a little bit a lot pissed at the idea that my one real break every year is being squandered by school work. There's barely a point to it any more. Sigh. OH! And because I didn't get to fast start out of Algebra II and into Pre Calc, there's even more pressure coming from my extremely disappointed parents. I'm gonna sound really dumb, but seriously I CAN'T EVEN ANYMORE.

Also taking away my phone does not do much to stop me from being distracted. Neither does taking away my anime or manga. (Thanks for restricting access to any sites containing the word "anime" or whatever on my phone by the way. You ended up blocking a bunch of other sites to btdubs.) In fact, no matter what, I'm sure I'll be able to find a way to distract myself if the task at hand is too boring. If not anime/mana then books. If not reading then writing. If not writing then drawing. If not drawing then sleeping. If not sleeping then talking. If not talking then thinking. I WILL ALWAYS DO SOMETHING MORE FUN BECAUSE I CAN'T STAND BORING!!!

Sigh. I need a break.


I think what I need is a day with the house to myself and no one telling me what to do, what to wear, what to eat, how to sit, how to talk, where to look, and why their way of thinking is correct.

Is that so much to ask??????


  1. Ouch, I don't think I could handle those kinds of restrictions. Schoolwork takes up a stupidly low amount of time in my day. If I couldn't do what I wanted, I would probably snap and go legitimately crazy rather then this pseudo-insanity that everyone is used to from me.

    1. THANK YOU FOR FEELING MY PAIN! Like I'm pretty crazy already, but if my parents take away more of my free time then I might just need to be sent to some facility or the other. Well, that's an exaggeration, but still.... It's frustrating.
