Saturday, March 1, 2014

おはよう! (Ohayou!)

WAAAAAAAH! (This part is blue like the color of my tears) I was gonna post this yesterday morning (night? I don't even know, it was sometime after midnight) and then I went back to sleep. But I sound really happy in this post so I might as well post it anyways because you never waste anything if your asian. Not food or toilet paper or words. Sorry if that sounded or was really racist, but if you are anything like me, you know it's true.

So! On to better things (~_~ ;) ...

To be posted on February 28, 2014 at (maybe, possibly, might have been, I think) 3 o'clock in the morning (?) :


Okay so for anyone who actual comes to visit my blog once in a while, you may have noticed that I completely redid the look. And I know. I know.


I absolutely love it, but the lack of wings is kind of sad so I think I'm gonna end up posting a bunch of flying anime people eventually (just kidding), but moving on.

So tomorrow is March 1st which marks a whole bunch of irrelevant and unimportant things but I will tell you about them anyways.

So for one, there will be just ONE MORE MONTH till April Fools Day, which is the most amazing holiday in the history of the world because pranks are awesome and having a reason to not get beaten to a pulp if you get caught is even better. 

Another amazing event marked by 3/1/14 is the start of SLICE OF LIFE 2014! I would include a link to some website or the other here but seeing as I'm too lazy to chat people back, we can all conclude I'm just too lazy to find it. Anyways, I've been practically dying to do Slice of Life for the past year (I missed last years by a month) and now not only will I be doing it, I'M GETTING A GRADE IN ENGLISH FOR IT, TOO!

Yay free A's. I should write a poem for it. But I won't. Maybe. 

Another amazing fact about March 1st is...

Yeah, no. I'm getting sleepy. I'll post this when I wake up.


  1. This is the best reaction to Slice of Life that I've read yet! Glad I can make you happy (and help you get an A in English!).

    -Mrs Gross

    PS- What is the Iditaread, mentioned in your next post?

    1. Thanks Mrs Gross!! (^_^ ) And I will.

