Monday, March 3, 2014

The Internet Is Out To Get Me

I know it is. I'm always doing something wrong or something other than expected, and usually, actually, more often than "usually", I can trace my problems back to the internet.

Random sample conversation between me, my mother, and Indy (note this is not what we actually said. My memory isn't that amazing.) :

Indy: [Looks over at my screen] Mamaaaaa~ [said in whiny tone]

Mama: [Still watching some show on Hulu] What Indy?

Indy: Maya's using screeeeen tiiiiiiiiiime.

Mama: Maya do your homework [looks up at us] [goes back to TV show]

I was~ [still searching youtube/watching anime/chatting people] :Me

Mama: No you're not

Okay, okay. I'm sorry. That chat/ad/email/notification was distracting me :Me

Mama: Maya! No excuses! Do your work now!


Indy: [smirk]

[kick] :Me
Indy: [opens mouth to yell]

[under breath] sorry sorry. go back to your book already. :Me

And that's pretty much how it goes.

I mean, is it really my fault that the internet distracts me so easily? There are the Google notifications and the Twitter notifications, my Google Drive, Instagram, texts and iMessage, Facebook, and YouTube. There's so many pings and buzzes and rings and dings being made just for my attention that it's only natural to get distracted. Well sure, I could just go and turn all my devices off, close all of my unneeded pages, and just work and work and work... but then there'd be no fun and I'd just get distracted by something else to be less bored. It's such a first world problem, so petty and dumb, but it is a part of my life nonetheless and so I will write on it. The internet hates my guts. I love it anyways.

We have quite the relationship, the internet and I. I can hear Siri getting jealous already.

Just kidding! :)

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