Thursday, March 13, 2014

Open Minds and Not So Strange Ideas

I don't understand why so many people in this world 
this country 
this school 
this place
here, live their lives with such a closed mind frame. What's wrong with my ideas and thoughts? What makes them so "gross" and "weird" in the first place? And just 'cause I tell a small group of people, why does the it feel like the entire world has the sudden urge to listen in and judge me?????? 

Stop judging me. Your imagination is just as weird. At least I take pride in my own thoughts.

Cross dressing, shipping homosexual couples, cosplaying. How is it any different from dressing up, shipping heterosexual couples, or play acting?? People do all of those activities for fun, and nearly no people think of them as "weird". Yet when someone exclaims "OH, I totes ship HIM and HIM" instead of "HIM and HER" then everyone goes all, "Oh, you're so weird," and, "stop being creepy." Or when I compliment someone on having a nice, almost androgynous body frame, and say that they would also look good if they cross dressed, everyone else is like, "stop insulting them," even when I WASN'T.

I wish people would open their minds a little and realize how bigoted they sounded. It's just mean, and it makes me sad (for lack of a better adjective) when people think it's "weird" or "gross". 

Because it's not.

It really isn't.

I don't know why, but things like this, small insignificant comments like this, they really piss me off ('scuse my language for any of you more sensitive readers). Like really?? What exactly is so weird or gross or strange about the things I discuss amongst my friends (and sometimes family)? If the people who make such comments really went back and thought about it, the most they might say is "Oh, 'cause, idk, it just is," and then expect me to be fine and accepting of that answer. Well guess what. 


I won't accept it anymore than you accept my views and others habits. I won't accept it anymore than you accept others. THIS IS THE TWENTY FIRST CENTURY PEOPLE. THIS IS ALSO AMERICA. PLEASE GET OVER YOURSELVES AND UNDERSTAND THAT BEING DIFFERENT FROM YOU IS NOT A BAD THING!! THANK YOU. GOOD NIGHT. 

storms over to couch fuming before opening laptop to look up anime...

1 comment:

  1. if they don't understand how to be accepting, then they're inferior to you. so fuck them. best life philosophy:
