Sunday, March 16, 2014

Procrastinators, UNITE

UWAAAAAAAAAAH!! I almost forgot to post something today! (Whoops) so since I don't actually have anything interesting to blog about I'll just give you all a basic summary of my day.


So I woke up insanely early as per usual due to my very annoying and unnecessary alarms. (Why have I not gotten rid of them yet??) Then, of course, I fall back to sleep immediately because my bed is soft and warm and cozy. But then I realized we were going to go skiing so I forced my self out of bed and ran around the house frantically looking for my good socks before realizing I put them by my bed the night before. I got ready with the hour and waited another two hours for us to leave when, WHOOPDEEDOO!! Change in plans! We weren't going skiing. So I grabbed my sketch pad and started doodling nonsense and some of the stuff I got out of it was pretty satisfactory. Maybe I'll put pics in another post. Hmm. So after that, I fed the boys food (I think. They might have served themselves) and we all ate lunch. The. The boys went with my dad for a run/walk thing at hartshorn and I stayed home and sketched some more. I got bored of that after a hour (I think) and so I found some manga and started reading. I pretty much switched back and forth between reading and drawing and eating all afternoon. And the. We went swimming for a while (ugh) and then I had dinner, read more manga, and was about to go to sleep when ....

UWAAAAAAAAAAH!! I almost forgot to post something today! (Whoops) so since I don't actually have anything interesting to blog about I just gave you all a basic summary of my day. 

1 comment:

  1. yes yes, waste ALL the time and post ALL the drawings! >:P
